Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Elevator  ( 1 hr )

Sect 9-24, Step 1 & 2:  Bent hinge pin to nest into channel at Inboard end of LH Elevator.  Relatively easy to bend this "wire" (vs piano wire I've used before on R/C planes which is heat treated and tends to break at sharp bends).  Drilled 1/16 inch hole adjacent...ready to safety wire once Trim Tab is actually installed.

Jumped ahead slightly to Step 5:  Pitch Trim Servo Assly.   For the #27 size holes, used #6 screw dimple dies (tested first with sample material same thickness...screw head fits well).  Then Countersink six  #40 holes that attach the support C-channels.  I first tested depth on sample material (0.032")...key since thinner material than typically countersunk.  Happy with results.