Thursday, July 5, 2018

Finish Kit

Wheel Fairings mounted ( 7 hrs )

Completed 46A-03 for LH Fairing, so proceeded cutting Gear Leg openings per 46A-04.  Mounted LH and RH Fairings to Wheel/Leg assemblies.  Only small tweaks needed at Gear Legs to insure 1/16" clearance.  Marked 5/8" clearance around tire at bottom (this is challenging while laying on floor !).  Trimmed off and reattached to confirm good, uniform clearance to tire to complete 46A-06.  Final drilled #19 holes in Fairing aligned with Brackets/nutplates.  Removed Fairings ...again.  Mixed epoxy/flox mix, applied 1/16' - 1/8" thick layer on inside where Brackets contact Fairings per Steps 1-5 at Sect  46A-07.  Re-mounted Fairings to "mold" flox mix to internal contour vs flat Brackets.  This was very messy and difficult since hard to align and start screws with flox in the way.  Persistence paid off.  After cures, sure hope they all come off ! (tape layer, Boelube on threads, and Turtle Wax should work)
Completed LH drilling and cleco'ing
tweaked clearance at Gear Leg and brake line

Super pleased with fit and alignment
floor level showing tire clearance prior
marking/trimming for 5/8" clearance all around

final trim to 5/8".  (block used to mark & check when installed)