Thursday, July 26, 2018

Finish Kit

Front Wheel Fairing ( 2 hrs )

Decided to use process similar to earlier RV models to reinforce Fairing at Brackets (vs Vans method for RV14a using epoxy flox glob).  So, epoxied 3 layers of 9 oz. fiberglass cloth to contact zones for Mounting Brackets.   One large piece between top to bottom area, then  multiple strips immediately under contact area.  Applied peel ply layer and  "squeegeed" smooth, checking to insure no air bubbles.
Also did final pass trimming wheel opening
1 of 2 sides.  I marked hole center-lines
on outside so I can re-drill once cured.
removed peel ply.

lightweight reinforcement, but
also more depth for C'sink screw heads