Saturday, August 25, 2018


Empennage Fairing ( 4 hrs )

Completed Steps 1-6 in Sect 12-11:  Transferred hole centerlines to Fairing, drilled #40, then enlarged with #27 drill.  Process worked very well for the opaque fiberglass Fairing.  Machine C'sunk all holes in Fairing for #6 screws.  Dimpled aft hole in Gap Covers (F14111 L & R ).  Removed Vert Stab so I could drill for nutplates while on bench.  Note:  received Registration for plane from's officially N3714R  now ! (quicker than expected - only took couple weeks)
selfie showing centerline marks (where to drill)
RH side - done w/ #40, partially done enlarging
 to #27 with 1/8" cleocs

LH side...pending #27 final hole sizing
Vert Stab on bench, drilling for nutplate rivets