Monday, October 30, 2017

Finish Kit

Canopy Handles, Seal notched ( 4 hrs )

Completed Step 9, riveting Side Skin, then riveted on LH & RH Canopy Handles.   Some challenges getting bucking bar into position, especially trying to avoid marring interior paint.   For one rivet, took me third time (aaargh !) to get it just right - but I'm getting good at drilling out rivets to replace.  Deburred two Seal Retainers (edges and holes per usual), then per Steps 11 -13 used to mark locations to notch Seal (clearance to fasteners on Aft Frame).  Instructions recommend a paper punch to put radii on notch corners, but mine wasn't cooperating.  So I sharpened the end of  a scrap tube which worked perfectly.
nice aerodynamic shape ! for Canopy Handles

notching seal

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