Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Firewall Forward Kit

Reiff Heaters ( 3 hrs )

Installed Reiff Heaters ( HotStrip Oil Sump Heater System, item HSS) so I can preheat in cold weather.   Reiff provides good instructions.   After trial fit to confirm location for each heat pad and the thermostat, I removed the paint with acetone, then scratched surface w/ scotchbrite.  The included epoxy is thick and tacky...kinda challenging to "corral".   Requires at least 48 hrs at 75 deg.
Reiff HotStrip Oil Sump Heater
removed paint on Oil Sump ( Lycoming IO-390 )

ready to epoxy on heat pads

added more tape after pic, since pad was gradually drifting downward
 ( gravity sucks !)

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