With digital scales provided by Rich Gilbert (borrowed from friend who races stock cars) -- Thanks Rich ! performed the W&B test. Terry Moushon and Ron Wright were terrific help - Thanks guys! We used ramps previously built by Terry for his RV-10. Results were 1,235 lbs (vs Vans demo RV14a at 1,239 lbs) [ Note: I saved over 10 lbs with EarthX lithium-iron battery replacing lead acid. But I added some interior wall panels. Also, I have more primed surfaces, although moderate (only where a layer contacts another layer, and the QB Wings and QB Fuse have Van's "light" primer treatments. Believe both are VFR only equipped on panels.] Actual positioning scales, moving plane, zeroing scales, measuring Arms for Wheel positions -then reversing only took about 1 hr. Ron's mission was to learn the process, then deliver scales to another builder/pilot to do W&B tomorrow.
Weight Arm
Right Wheel 439 96.75"
Left Wheel 440 96.69''
Nose Wheel 356 41.25"
Total 1, 235 lbs Empty CG = 80.73"
Vans demo plane as example has Empty CG = 80.63". The 0.1" more aft CG makes sense since I have lighter battery at firewall. But very close!
Also fixed Pin #2 with Black wire for ground crimped. Success ! I now have RH Landing Light working. But nothing for either RH or LH Nav lights (but now doesn't trip CB!)
- Landing Lights (Taxi on LH, Landing on RH)
- Pitot Heat
- Aux Fuel Pump (very briefly)
- Defrost Fans
- Interior LED lights
- CO detector
- USB charging ports
- Headphones
- Canopy Warning (need test for above 1700 rpm mode)
- Flaps (configured for -3 reflex, and 0, 15, 30 degrees)
- Roll Trim (need confirm correct direction, otherwise reverse in G3x config)
- Pitch Trim (OK, correct direction)
- Stall Warning (red visual, flashing warning on G3X, and audio tone in headset)
- GTP 59 OAT probe (in LH wing)
- Engine temp sensors (CHT, EGT) Oil pressure tbd, Oil Temp seems OK at ambient
- MAP seems to register current barometric pressure
Not Working:
- Nav lights !
- Fuel Senders, LH and RH
- Magnetometer (appears to only need calibration)
- Fuel Flow sensor (Red Cube)
Official EMPTY weight: 8 qts Oil on cowl, Wheel pants &
Fairings positioned (not attached, but fasteners included)
Plastic protective layer still on Canopy, off of Rear Window
Good view of scales, with ramps and platform.
The 3 scales were all level for/aft and side to side.
Terry and Ron relaxing knowing we're done!
pic of readings. The 439 and 440 weights kept alternating,
probably w/ slight breeze entering hangar. But always totaled same